Monthly Archives: July 2018

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Emir Dukic

Homes and neighborhoods say more about the flavor and feel of a city than any hotel room. That’s part of the attraction of services like Air B&B. Our guest on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk takes that concept further, with his high-end property rental service called RABBU. Curated homes and condos with high-tech features and high-touch service, and perks from local businesses that “share” the culture of Charlotte with guests from around the world. Listen in on what inspired Emir Dukic to launch this service– and it can help you, too!

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Cynthia Jones

Who settles disagreements and interprets the rules when residents and HOA board members don’t see eye to eye? Believe it or not, there are attorneys who specialize in that field. Cynthia Jones of Horack Talley is one of those attorneys who sorts things out so everyone can live in peace. She’s our guest on the Charlotte Real Estate Talk podcast with Pridemore Properties.