Monthly Archives: October 2018

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Brad Corriher

Winter is coming, and that can mean rough weather — snow, rain, and ice. And of course, we’re just wrapping up hurricane season, which our friends at the coast and a few in Charlotte experienced this year with Florence.

If you own a home, you have insurance — but most of us also have questions about how to update coverage, and when to call an adjuster for damage. Brad Corriher, a local State Farm agent, keeps us “covered” with what we need to know about insurance.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Scott Curry

It’s no secret that plenty of people are living closer to uptown, and closer to work, in higher-density developments than our car-driven city has been used to over the last 50 years. But as more people forego cars for bikes, walking, even riding a scooter, have our transportation systems — roads, paths, and sidewalks in particular — kept up?

Scott Curry wants to make sure it does. As Active Transportation Coordinator for Charlotte DOT, Scott’s job is to find the gaps in bike and pedestrian paths and fill them, connecting the city in ways other than by car. His job sounds more important than ever, and he’s here with us to tell us how the city is going to get that goal done.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Elyse Dashew Part Two

As an at-large member of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, Elyse Dashew has been part of redrawing school boundaries, rearranging and expanding magnet choices, and hiring a new superintendent. She balances the responsibilities of her position with the demands of parenting her own children through CMS. She led campaigns not just for School Board, but for bonds and school funding, all while being active in PTA and school leadership teams. Arguably, she sees the value in education. And her own far-from-typical education provided her with a unique perspective. She’s our guest on Charlotte Real Estate Talk with Pridemore Properties.