Monthly Archives: July 2019

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Kevin Marra

When celebrities like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Oscar de la Hoya, or Michael Phelps talk — people listen. They’re among a growing number of big names talking about the impact of depression and the importance of minding our mental health. And it’s not just famous people who struggle with being open and honest about it, but their candor makes it easier for the rest of us to ask for and find help. But did you know? Until a couple of years ago, Charlotte had no comprehensive center with inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment. That’s how Hopeway began. Dr. Kevin Marra tells us more on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Tour de Turns

We know summer just got underway… but it’s already time to think about August. We have a great event in South Charlotte where your whole family can take part, the weekend before CMS goes back to school. It’s a bike ride called Tour de Turns, and it takes place on some of the loveliest tree-lined streets in the Carmel Road area, to help feed our neighbors. What’s not to love about that?

Lane Holbert, found of Tour de Turns, joins us on Charlotte Real Estate Talk with Tina Postel of Loaves and Fishes – to tell us what Tour de Turns is all about. Welcome!

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: John Charles Kernodle

Say “financial management” to anyone in Charlotte who is not a banker, and they’ll nod politely — but might not be able to tell you about their own investments or retirement funds, or how much it costs them to invest. Strathmore Capital Advisors is a fee-only financial management firm and here to tell us how that’s different is John Charles Kernodle himself. He’s our guest on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk.