Monthly Archives: September 2019

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Caylin Haldeman

Non-profit organizations, by definition, are more socially-minded than profit-driven, but they still need to sustain themselves to survive and maintain their mission. And despite their shoe-string budgets — or many times, because of them — they still need the same type of strategic planning, development, and support as a business. This week’s guest on the Charlotte Real Estate Talk is someone who helps emerging non-profits get on their feet, survive, and thrive. Caylin Haldeman is the Director of Cultivate, an incubator program for new non-profits, who does just that. 

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Scott Curry

If you love to get out and into the open in Charlotte, your favorite time of year is coming up. Open Streets 704 is Sunday, September 15th, and the fall route OF COURSE winds its way west and south, from Seversville – through uptown around Bank of America Stadium and BB&T Ballpark – and down to Dilworth. It’s become a favorite local event with more than 30-thousand people showing up to the last two spring Open Streets events here in Charlotte.