Monthly Archives: July 2020

Charlotte Community Talk: Laurie Martin

So you want to put the house up for sale, but the thought of going through all of your stuff is too intimidating? Or maybe you just want more room in the house you live in now? We know that downsizing your possessions can be exhausting and emotional. But like any journey, it starts with that first step — and maybe some help from the pro’s.

Laurie Martin is that pro. She is a professional organizer and for the past 16 years, has helped people downsize, let go, or organize what they own. She owns Simplicity Organizers in Charlotte and has some good advice for us now about keeping it simple.

Charlotte Community Talk: RunCharlotte

We know road races have been canceled because of COVID-19, but runners are still out there training and staying in shape. In fact, a lot of folks have picked up running as a new sport because gyms are closed but greenways, parks, and neighborhood streets are wide open. Now.. they want a place to put their skills to the test.

A lot of events have become virtual races, but one allows you not just flexibility.. but a great way to see some of the Queen City’s favorite views, on 6 set routes, at your convenience. The RunCharlotte Neighborhood Tour checks out some of the best routes around the area. Tim Rhodes and Jeff Cooper are here with us on Charlotte Community Talk to give us the scoop.