Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Michael Trivette

The days are long, but the years are short… and before you know it, your bundle of joy has graduated from kindergarten and is going off to college. At least, that’s how it feels sometimes! Wait – stop the clock! College? We just got done paying for preschool. How are we going to tackle college? Michael Trivette is someone who helps parents navigate the long, complex, and often-confusing world of college choice and admissions. He’s an App State grad, and holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Georgia. He’s part of the team at College Transitions, a company that helps parents and high schoolers with one of the most important choices they’ll ever make. 

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Kate Cavazza & Clint Grant

One real estate mantra is “location, location, location,” but now a neighborhood that is connected to parks, greenways, shopping, restaurants, and even where we work, is more desirable than one where we have to get in our cars to go *anywhere* — even to work out! Charlotte Real Estate Talk gets the skinny on healthy, active neighborhoods from two people who want to get you moving right where you live. Listen in to hear Kate Cavazza and Clint Grant from Mecklenburg County Public Health explain what that means to you.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Kevin Marra

When celebrities like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Oscar de la Hoya, or Michael Phelps talk — people listen. They’re among a growing number of big names talking about the impact of depression and the importance of minding our mental health. And it’s not just famous people who struggle with being open and honest about it, but their candor makes it easier for the rest of us to ask for and find help. But did you know? Until a couple of years ago, Charlotte had no comprehensive center with inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment. That’s how Hopeway began. Dr. Kevin Marra tells us more on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Tour de Turns

We know summer just got underway… but it’s already time to think about August. We have a great event in South Charlotte where your whole family can take part, the weekend before CMS goes back to school. It’s a bike ride called Tour de Turns, and it takes place on some of the loveliest tree-lined streets in the Carmel Road area, to help feed our neighbors. What’s not to love about that?

Lane Holbert, found of Tour de Turns, joins us on Charlotte Real Estate Talk with Tina Postel of Loaves and Fishes – to tell us what Tour de Turns is all about. Welcome!

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: John Charles Kernodle

Say “financial management” to anyone in Charlotte who is not a banker, and they’ll nod politely — but might not be able to tell you about their own investments or retirement funds, or how much it costs them to invest. Strathmore Capital Advisors is a fee-only financial management firm and here to tell us how that’s different is John Charles Kernodle himself. He’s our guest on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Garet Johnson

Nearly 60 people a day move to Charlotte, and more than a million people already live in Mecklenburg County. How do we build a city big enough to accommodate all of them, while preserving the charm Charlotte residents enjoy? Garet Johnson of the City Manager’s office joins us to explain the city’s “Vision Plan” and the development rules currently being re-written for the first time in years. This is the kind of Charlotte Real Estate Talk you need to hear!

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Nicole Copsis

The idea of a clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities seems like an idea that just makes sense in Charlotte’s large, energetic work force. SHARE Charlotte is a one-stop shop that serves that purpose exactly. Nicole Copsis joins Charlotte Real Estate Talk this week to tell you how easy it is to “plug in and make an impact,” with more than 400 non-profits in the area. Listen in to find out how to “Do Good” in our town!

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Dorie Fusaro

You’ve heard of a Renaissance Man — well-rounded, well-educated, and fluent in a number of pursuits like the arts, science, sports, and in Charlotte, maybe finance. Dorie Fusaro is someone you could easily call a Renaissance Woman, one who fits that description and more. The banker, project manager, mortgage professional, and a mom — along with being a veteran yoga instructor, blogger, and life coach — shares her secrets of a full life on this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk, along with her passion for using her gifts to help the homeless.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: State of the Market

On this week’s episode of Charlotte Real EstateTalk, our hosts Scott Pridemore and Mike Hege talk about the current market, trends and what you need to know if you want to buy or sell.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Brett Baronak

Spring and early summer are the perfect time of year to get out and explore the many trails that make The Carolinas a great place to live. Hundreds of trails dot our region, and a perfect way to discover them is National Trails Day on June 1st. 

And one of the best ways to find your way around our extensive trail network is by following the many “threads” of the Carolina Thread Trail… a collection of more than 250 miles of trails and 100 miles of “blueways” that will eventually connect multiple cities and counties in North and South Carolina. Joining us today on Charlotte Real Estate Talk is Bret Baronek, who can “fill in the gaps” in our discovery of this extensive trail system. Welcome Bret.